Remote control dice are often unequally loaded to encourage certain outcomes. For instance, one of the bottoms or tops of the dice could be cut out.
It’s a type of cheating, which requires a significant amount of expertise and practice. It could be a major benefit to a player. It can also weaken the pillar of exploration that is part of the game.
1. Options for deployment
When making your plans for deployment, the primary factor to consider is which units are currently in reserve. Based on the mission you are pursuing, you might not have LOS for all of them. However, you should plan to be ready in case they deploy at least one unit in their rear arc. This type of unit could stop an alpha strike, if it isn’t centrally located.
To stop this from happening, put in place the entire set of models centrally and maximize the threat capabilities of each model – it’s better a thorn in the enemy side rather than. Additionally, don’t try to seize the initiative unless you absolutely must – it’ll not just cost you a turn but it may also deprive you of the utility of your reserves later in the game.
The best way to counter this is to use several high-count, power weapons, like Hydra Flak Cannons, Vendettas, AC/HB Baal Predators, Longfangs, and Havoc Squads. They can fire at a high volume as well as from a distance which poses the biggest threat to enemy units. It is particularly applicable to armies notoriously shooty, like Dark Eldar or IG. However, even slogging footsloggers like HB Havoc Squads or rifleman dreads can pose a significant danger if they were placed on the table early in the game.
2. Eyeballing distances
It’s rarely possible to beat your opponent with a punch. But, there are many times where it’s possible. If you see a Furioso Dreadnought emerge from the pod from the distance, then you should take it on. It’s very risky, but the opponent isn’t able to anticipate it (unless they’ve predicted dropping a pod which is illegal in competitive settings).
Of course, you can even go higher than this. For example, with our most-loved Lucky Mercury Loaded Dice, you control precisely the dice pips which result from each roll. This is made possible by a three-dimensional rhombohedron embedded inside the dice, which is sealed with mercury in place of iron powder, giving the complete control of a single roll of the dice. It’s a fantastic way to ensure that the odds will always be favorable to you!
3. Defensive Methods
In a well-played game players will take into consideration the stack movement and attempt to influence it. It’s also important to take into consideration defensive tactics when attempting to attack a territory. If you’re using a defensive profile like, for instance, if your ground units come from several powers and you are convinced that an Allied player is likely to send a large amount of troops to defend certain area, you may conclude that it’s worth the effort.
4. Fast Deployment
Controlling dice is a physical skill that requires hours upon hours of practicing to master. Even the most disciplined controlled shooter will admit that their abilities can lapse due to physical or mental fatigue.
Fortunately, there are quick solutions to increase the chances that your dice-based games will go to your advantage. The Lucky Mercury Loaded Dice is one of the most well-known solutions. Mercury is used as a substitute for iron powder in these dice. Mercury is able to move freely, allowing you full control of every roll. These dice are sometimes called loaded craps or fixed dice.